Thursday, January 30, 2025

I've made it!

I hit the big time with my playwriting already and I've just started.

I got my first rejection notice. 

Eric Goudie held a ten minute playwriting contest with an eye to having a reading of the top 3 plays on stage at the Fergus Grand Theatre, to celebrate World Theatre Day March 27, 2025.

My play "The Shelter From The Stormy Blast" didn't make the cut.

So why am I celebrating?

Because I had so much fun trying and that little push has lead to further attempts. 

It's great waking up in the morning and going to work, having no idea what will transpire, yet knowing that at the end of every day I tried my best and enjoyed myself.

I expect that as I continue I will run into others who are also writing plays and now when I read a play I learn so much more. It goes so much farther than just reading the plot. 

What fun. Thanks Eric and I look forward to hearing the winning entries.