Friday, August 16, 2024

Culture Days Guelph 2024

JayWalking Guelph is thrilled to announce that Gwelf Early Days, the indoor multi-media version, makes it's public debut at Guelph's River Run Centre - Studio Theatre, Thursday Sept 26 at 7:00pm.

This hugely popular tour has been called a moving theatrical journey featuring 19th century local poetry, diary writings, journal entries and newspaper accounts about life in early Guelph all recited from memory.

The indoor version is enhanced with images and sound effects creating a fully immersive theatre experience you do not want to miss.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Culture Days in Guelph Ontario this autumn.

The River Run Centre and JayWalking Guelph look forward to bringing you this live historical based performance with a theatrical flair.

Get ready to be transported.